
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Every night.... New Blog finds

Every night when my 3 lovely children go to bed, and I've gotten my house back to some sort of order for the next day, I try to sit and blog bounce.  I've been known to have 10-15 tabs open with different trails of blogs that I've visited. I love spotting a new one that I haven't seen before.  Tonight my sweet 6 year old is still awake (it's well after midnight) with an earache, so tonight I have lots that I've visited while waiting on her to fall asleep.  Since this blog of mine is new.. and I'm new to Blogger, I want to spread the word of others with new things to share.  Tonight this was my best find!!  I have been searching Birthday ideas in the classroom.  I have 3 kids of my own and I LOVE BirThDaYs!   I was dissappointed at my lack of birthday fun for my students last year, so this year I am trying to get as many ideas as I can, so we can have fun on my students' birthdays too.  Here is an awesome blog with great ideas.. Please pass it along.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    It's Donna from I saw your comment about wanting a birthday packet but you forgot to leave me your email - OOPS! Pop back over and leave me your address so I can send you your goodies!
